6 Reasons You May Be Suffering From Stomach Aches

Most people have experienced stomach discomfort at one point or another. However, when your stomach issues start becoming persistent, it may be a sign that something more serious is at play. If you’ve been encountering stomach aches regularly, here are some of the potential causes to consider. 

You Have an Ulcer 

One of the first things to consider is that you potentially have an ulcer. As many as 10% of the population have ulcers. As much as you might love sitting on your balcony and enjoying your morning coffee, or your favorite acidic foods, you could be burning your intestinal tract.  You should consider talking to your doctor about whether an ulcer may be at play. 

You Have IBS 

Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS is a very common condition that can cause diarrhea and abdominal bloating. If you notice that your stomach starts acting up during moments of high stress, or after specific foods, then you may want to start exploring symptoms of IBS and whether this sounds like your situation. 

You Have Gastroenteritis 

Gastroenteritis, also commonly known as the stomach flu, can cause extreme abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting. Sometimes, it can be difficult to tell the difference between the stomach flu and food poisoning. In many cases, there’s not much you can do besides let it run its course and stay as hydrated as possible. 

You Are Eating Too Much 

If you notice that you’re experiencing stomach pain every time you eat, you may be eating too much. Your stomach can only handle so much food at once, so if you’re overstuffing it every mealtime, then it’s likely the culprit for your stomach discomfort. Try to reduce your portion sizes and take note of whether the pain goes away. 

You Are Lactose Intolerant 

If you notice that your stomach pain flares up after dairy, then you got your answer right there. Instead of continuing to eat dairy and enduring the pain, consider reducing it to see if the problem goes away. Although the last thing you might want to imagine is having to part from your beloved dairy foods, you may have to accept that you are lactose intolerant. Contact your doctor about how to determine whether this is the case or not, and they’ll be able to explain to you what actions to take. 

You Have Gas 

Sometimes, the reason for your stomach ache may be plain old gas. If you’re eating foods that are difficult to digest, and gas-producing, then that’s likely the reason why you’re frequently experiencing tummy aches. It’s a good idea to get to know a list of gas-producing foods and try to avoid them when possible. Also consider taking anti-gas drops before eating to help better digest what you eat.